
Die antwoord videos teeth
Die antwoord videos teeth

Ninja adds: “Hi-Tek says the word f****t doesn’t hold any power over him. “DJ Hi-Tek is gay,” he explains, “so there you go, now you all know.” He’s gay and nobody really cares.”įrom another interview with the lead singer: “Our manager Tony in LA was a little concerned that some of the words we use in the video would upset some people in the USA – especially DJ Hi-Tek’s use of the word ‘f****t’,” explains Ninja. Like DJ Fishsticks, who’s done our remix. I’m not a gay.” It’s basically like the most severe taunt you can throw at a Xhosa man. So Wanga made a joke: “Don’t touch my penis. They like, do not dig gays-with the volume up! So Wanga thought it was funny that they then take a 19-year-old’s penis in their hand and cut their foreskin off with a kitchen knife. Xhosa culture is un-f*****g-believeably homophobic. From the interview, quoting Ninja, the lead singer: “Now the thing is, about those men you have to go to the bush with.

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When the black guy raps “Don’t touch my penis” he is taunting the very homophobic traditional Xhosa elders who want to circumcise him, casting aspersions on their heterosexuality.

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Oh you should also read the interview regarding Evil Boy in Mother Jones for context.

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